A complete collection of all my personal projects, including ones that were developed during my time at university. These are typically projects that I work on my spare time outside of my professional responsibilities, and will often get published to my GitHub profile unless declared otherwise. Some projects listed here are incredibly old, and may not even work anymore. They're placed here purely for archival (and nostalgic) purposes, and in case the source code published here can help someone else.

Ms. Pac-Man MCTS AI
This was my dissertation project as part of my Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Games Programming (BSc.

Dr. Necro's Time of Death
A team-based project that took 12 weeks to develop, Dr. Necro's Time of Death is a 4 player local twin-stick zombie shooter with cool time manipulating weaponry.
PSP SDK Perlin Noise FPU Demo
This is a small "demo-scene" application that was developed as part of a project for my university degree, and targeted for the origina Playstation Portable.

This is an incomplete C# wrapper for the Autodesk FBX SDK that is written in C++.

Ant Frenzy
This was a simple top-down 2D "shoot-em-up" that was developed as part of a project for my University studies.

Impression Image Tool
A simple tool for generating impression images for blog posts using Python and various third-party packages including CairoSVG, and Pillow.

SilverStripe Tool: Docker Backup
This is a utility container image for capturing and restoring backups from an active SilverStripe website.

SilverStripe Module: JSON-LD Structured Data
A SilverStripe module for exposing related page information as JSON-LD structured data.

SilverStripe Module: Automatic WebP Image Conversion
This is a SilverStripe module for automatically converting any image assets that are scaled, resized, or rasterized through SilverStripe's backend system for altering and rendering images.

SilverStripe Module: Social Meta Tags
This is a SilverStripe module that enables developers to conveniently integrate associative meta tags, that are used for preview thumbnails by various popular social networks.

SilverStripe Module: Canonical URLs
This a SilverStripe module that enables developers to conveniently integrate the required metadata for defining the canonical URL of any SiteTree page, or DataObject Controller in a SilverStripe project.